Friday, July 24, 2009

Partnership for 21st Century Skills

My reaction to this site is filled with positives! I am amazed at the commitment that has been made to incorporate 21st century skills to all students in our country. I was impressed with the mission statement in which they strive to serve as a catalyst in building a collaborative partnership between education, the business community, and government leaders.

What surprised me most about this site was the members of partnership. Not only did the number of partners surprise me, but so did the "who". Intel, Apple, Cisco, Dell, Hewlett Packard, and the various partners from other industrial, educational, and governmental groups was quite impressive!

It is refreshing to know that there is a place for educators and students to go to for guidance and support in order to teach and learn 21st century skills that are increasingly needed in order to close the gap between our students and those from other countries.


  1. I have to play Devil's Advocate here...
    May I ask what is suprising about Apple, Intel, Hewlett Packard and Dell being partners in the 21st Century Skills partnership? They stand to gain the most finacially if schools purchase more hardware, and if schools produce future employees for htese companies.

    I wonder if these companies would be so interested in partnering were the goals to lead students into careers in organic farming, plumbing, or large animal veterinary medicine.

    As an educator who was a student when Pepsi Co first paid schools like mine for allowing Soda machines into the commomns, I am highly suspicious.

    "US Schools Hooked on JUunkfood Proceeds". (Just in case anyone needed a source- just google it).

  2. Pardon the spelling errors TWHITE. I posted before I spell-checked! Sorry!

  3. I think it forces their hand to commit resources to "back up" what they preach!
